March 2020 Update
March 4, 2020

1. Wednesday Night Reno Swings – Series class starts TONIGHT – Lindy Rueda 2. Plaza Maya dancing is BACK! Starting Sunday, March 8th 3. Next South Lake Tahoe Swing Dancing Monday, March 16th 3. Monthly Swing Dances in Truckee (Third Tuesday and a live Big Band in South Lake Tahoe (last Fridays) 4. Little City Blues is on break for now- 1st Wednesday Blues Lesson in April 5. A quick favor… help us get found on THE GOOGLE! 6. Get your T-Shirts or hoodies 1. Lindy Rueda series class starts TONIGHT! And drop-in Jitterbug every week! Our March series class will start at 7 PM March 4th and run for 4 weeks. We will be teaching Lindy Rueda, and you need to be comfortable with the swing out to take this class. Lindy Rueda is a fun partner switching group dance. You dance it with a partner, and then switch partners in the way that is called. The group aspect is really cool, and helps develop floorcraft. HERE is an example of a Lindy Rueda performance from a class we taught almost a decade ago. We will also continue drop-in Jitterbug classes and social dancing each Wednesday in January at the American Legion Hall – 877 Ralston St. in Reno. Admission is $10 general, $7 for students. For discounted passes to the series class, click HERE. For discounted 4-week Jitterbug passes, click HERE. NOTE: We are continuing to offer “First Night Free” for anyone who has never danced with us. Tell your friends, and invite them to come try the drop-in Jitterbug class! Here are the details – spread it around and invite everyone! 2. Plaza Maya dancing is BACK! Starts this Sunday, March 8th @ 6 PM We are excited to announce that swing dancing is coming back to Plaza Maya. It will start as a once a month dance, and may become more frequent as it grows in popularity. It will start with a drop-in Jitterbug lesson at 6 PM, with dancing from 7-9 PM, and will feature more modern and varied music to dance to. Event page is HERE. Spread the word! Plaza Maya is at 1644 S. Wells Ave. in Reno (right on the first roundabout). Here is a MAP. There is very limited on-site parking, but lots of street parking in the area. 3. Next South Lake Tahoe Swing Dancing on Monday, March 16th We’ve had a great time in South Lake Tahoe. We are taking a couple weeks off, but will be back on March 16th. The lesson starts at 6:30, with dancing from 7:30 to 9 PM. This event will be hosted at Stateline Brewery, which is in Heavenly Village (they are downstairs). Details HERE.There is no cover charge for this event, but food and/or drink purchases will allow this event to remain free. So if you can come to dance, please plan to support the venue. Note: Designated parking for Stateline Brewery is two short blocks away in the parking lot behind The Lucky Beaver. This parking lot is accessed through the Harrah’s driveway, and then you walk south past Harrahs and Stateline Brewery is just another short block. 4. Dancing around the area – Shims (band dance), South Lake Tahoe Big Band (monthly) A. Friday, March 13th – Reno Swing Set @ Shim’s in Reno Live Band night – The Reno Swing Set plays some swing music; may be fun to dress up vintage and dance at this speakeasy. Remember… it IS a speakeasy, so the entrance is in the back off the alley. B. On the last Friday of each month, there’s a live big band dance in South Lake Tahoe. Here are the details from their website:Big Band DancesAll ages are invited to attend the Big Band dances held at the Senior Center. The 17-piece Tahoe Dance Band performs the last Friday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm with holiday exceptions.Admission is $15 and $12 for Members. 5. Blues Dancing – Little City Blues is on hiatus We will be taking a little break from blues dancing. When there is an organized push to restart it, we will let everyone know. Thank you to those who have been attending. Mark your calendar for the first Wednesday in April. We’ll do a little blues lesson at 6 PM before our normal RenoSwings! dance. 6. Can you help us? A favor to help our dance scene grow! We were reminded recently that we have very little presence on the Internet. For example, we didn’t have any Google reviews, or even an active profile. We didn’t have a Yelp profile either (and I’m sure that’s not the extent of where we are missing). Without a presence online, we are not easy to find when people search for swing dancing in our area. Can you take a moment to leave a short review? Doesn’t need to be fancy – just a few words about your experience dancing with us. The more reviews we have, the more our info will show up when people search! Google PROFILE (this is for everyone- scroll down under our listing to the “Write a Review” button) Yelp PROFILE (if you are an active Yelp user, consider leaving a review here. If you are not active on Yelp, they rarely will show your review, so it’s probably not worth your time.) 7. GET FUN RenoSwings! T-SHIRTS If you want a Reno Swings T-Shirt or hoodie, you can order in your preferred size and color HERE. They are also available in long sleeve and hoodie options. Thanks so much! We’ll see you on the dance floor! Cheers- Clay and Cullen 707-843-0895 cell |