As ambassadors to the wider Lindy Hop and swing dance community, we at Reno Swings! believe that it is important for us to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those who wish to learn and dance with us. Thus, we uphold our Safer Spaces policies to ensure that our dancers have the best time out on our dance floors.

Code of Conduct

For further specification on any of the points, you may contact one of the organizing members.

Safety Policy

Keep your fellow dancers safe! The subsequent activities and/or behaviors are prohibited and/or are generally discouraged by Reno Swings!:

  • Using discriminatory rhetoric by any manner, including discrimination against a person by the virtue of race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, age, religious beliefs (and lack thereof), citizenship status, sexual orientation, skill level, disability, physical appearance, and socioeconomic status, etc.
  • Harassment, such as stalking, following, making unsolicited sexual advances, inappropriate touching, general disrespect, verbal and/or non-verbal aggression, threats, refusing to accept “no” for a dance request, not asking for permission to dance, etc.
  • Performing hazardous moves, and/or performing moves in a hazardous manner, which may affect the safety of the dancers. The following moves are discouraged:
    • Aerials (which extends to any move where both feet of a dancer would be off the floor)
    • Unsupported dips
    • “the pretzel”
  • Unsolicited advice/feedback about their dancing on the dance floor apart from indicating hazardous/uncomfortable behaviors they may be performing.
    • No teaching during the lesson unless you are the teacher.
    • If one must give feedback, ask the other person if they are open accepting feedback before providing said feedback. If someone asks you to teach them during the social dance, leave the main dance floor before teaching.

Consent Policy

A dancer must acquire consent from the person they wish to dance with. If the asked party does not accept, you must graciously accept that they do not want to dance.

  • Non-verbal asks are acceptable. The common way to ask non-verbally is using the ASL word for “dance”.
  • Consent only extends to one dance. You may also revoke consent during a dance for any reason.
  • If your partner revokes consent, even during a dance they consented to, you must honor their request to stop dancing.
  • Even if someone consents to dance, they may not feel comfortable performing certain moves for any reason. Consider asking permission to execute more advanced moves.

Social Conduct Policy

Reno Swings! is not a dating service. As a community based around a social activity, we understand that you will meet new people. However, we are not a dating pool.

  • Consenting to a dance only grants you consent to a dance. There are no romantic gestures implied in saying yes to a dance.
  • We will not tolerate hitting on people on our dance floor.
    • This also extends beyond the dance floor. Do not hit on our dancers off the floor either.
  • Conversely, if you are the recipient of these behaviors, we encourage you to speak up!

We are coming out of a global pandemic, so we encourage you to wash your hands as often as possible.

  • If you feel sick, please stay home. Better be safe than sorry.
  • You may wear a mask as a preventative measure if you feel safer with it.

We also encourage exercising a bit of hygiene before going out on the floor.

  • As expected from such an active and athletic hobby, you can expect to sweat at some point. We encourage using antiperspirant and deodorant. Axe does not count.
  • If necessary, you may bring a towel, and/or change of clothes.
  • We do give out breath mints for free.

If you drink or smoke, be aware of your limits. Alcohol and other substances may impair judgement and reaction time when dancing and the smell may be off-putting, please see above.

Floor-craft Policy

Keep a general awareness of your surroundings to maintain safety.

  • While collisions may occur on the social floor, do take precautions to avoid collisions. You may alter or abort a dance move to avoid collisions.
  • Keep an eye on your partner as well. If they are dancing dangerously close to another person, do let them know.
  • Dancers on both sides of a partnership should keep at least one foot on the floor while dancing. Leaders must not lead their followers in such a way that removes both feet off the floor.

Dancing Etiquette

Classroom Etiquette

  • Be respectful to your fellow students.
    • Introduce yourself and ask if they want to dance.
    • Make sure your partner is comfortable with your connections.
    • Thank your partner before you rotate.
      • If you and your partner are not comfortable rotating partnerships, you may remain in your partnership.
  • Be respectful to the instructors.
    • Stay on track with the lesson they are teaching. Even if the lesson is covering familiar ground for you, please keep with what the instructors are teaching.
    • Allow the teachers to answer questions. Feedback in a partnership is encouraged but once your partner asks more technical questions, redirect them to the instructors.

Social Dance Etiquette

  • Be polite
  • If you would like to dance with someone, clearly ask for permission. Do not initiate physical contact until you have received a clear and enthusiastic yes.
  • If you do not wish to dance with someone, tell them so! You don’t need to give a reason. Conversely, if you can’t think of a good reason to not dance with someone, do consider saying yes.
    • Please read the Consent Section of the Code of Conduct for further details.
  • Check with your partner and make sure that the way you are holding them is not uncomfortable for them. If your partner hasn’t checked and you are uncomfortable, speak up!
  • Keep an eye on your surroundings to avoid running into other dancers. This goes for both leads and follows.
  • If you are injured such that it affects mobility, let your partner know beforehand. If your partner is injured, avoid moves that could injure them further.
  • When you have finished dancing, thank your partner for the dance.

Reporting an Issue and Consequences

If you believe that one or more of the codes of conduct has been transgressed, the following options are available:

  • Inform the offending party that their actions are not tolerated and ask the offending party to cease the behavior.
  • If the problem persists, contact the any organizing member whom you feel safe discussing this issue. At this point, the incident will be documented, and the organizers will ask the offending party to cease the behavior.
    • You may email us with the subject “Safer Spaces” to report an incident.
  • If the problem persists, the offending party will be asked to leave and may be barred future events.

Depending on the magnitude of the transgression, one of the following actions will be taken following a transgression:

  • Verbal warning
  • Dismissal from event and if applicable, without refund
  • Permanent refusal from all future dances or events
  • Reporting to law enforcement

It is quite important to Reno Swings! that a safe and inclusive space is maintained for the purposes of dancing. We ask that all participants adhere to our code of conduct and dancing etiquette. Feel free to bring any issue to the attention of the organization members.

Stay safe when dancing!
Reno Swings! Staff