Join us this Friday, July 29th, for a dance lesson and live music from The Sagebrush Swingers! The lesson begins at 7 PM, and we will have social dancing from 8 PM to 10 PM. The lesson will be very beginner friendly, so no experience required! The event is being held at The Historic Fourth Ward School Museum in Virginia City. Admission is $15, or $10 for museum members. Tickets available here.
JOIN US for a FREE Welcome Back Lesson and Dance on May 4th in Reno
It has been a long time coming… we are pleased to announce that we will be restarting weekly swing dance lessons and social dancing on Wednesdays at the American Legion Hall in Reno (877 Ralston St.)
Please join us for a free Welcome Back Dance on Wednesday May 4th. It will start with a beginner Jitterbug lesson at 7 PM, followed by social dancing from 8 PM until about 10 PM. No partner or experience necessary… and no need to dress up (unless you want to!). Bring your friends!
Admission (after the first week) will be $10 which includes both the lesson and social dancing, and $7 for students.
And we hope to see you in Virginia City this Friday night, April 29th, for the live band dance with the Honky Tonk Bums. Details are HERE.
CONTENTS 1. “The Taco Hop” – Tomorrow Night! 2. SWING DANCE FIELD TRIP this Wednesday, July 31st – Squirrel Nut Zippers @ Wingfield Park 3. Wednesday Swing Dancing – Lindy Hop Series classes start August 7th 4. Little City Blues – Thursday, August 15th 5. Get your T-Shirts!
1. The Taco Hop – Swing Dancing Tuesday July 30th @ Plaza Maya – 1644 S Wells (Reno) at 7 PM
We’ll be swing dancing tomorrow night at Plaza Maya. Lesson at 7 PM, dancing from 8-10 PM. All ages, no cover charge. Just bring a few bucks to support Plaza Maya, who is extending happy hour specials to us for the event (which includes $1 street tacos, 2-for-1 margaritas and bottled beer, and more). Their full restaurant menu is also available.
NEXT TIME: Taco Hop will next happen on August 27th.
Plaza Maya is at 1644 S. Wells Ave. in Reno (right on the first roundabout). Here is a MAP. There is very limited on-site parking, but lots of street parking in the area.
2. Swing Dance Field Trip – THIS Wednesday July 31st – Squirrel Nut Zippers Show! Show starts at 7:30 PM
THIS Wednesday, July 31st, The Squirrel Nut Zippers are playing a FREE show at Wingfield Park. Instead of our normal Wednesday night dance, we’ll be taking a field trip to go dance to the Zippers. Show starts at 7:30 PM – we’ll be dancing and passing out cards to promote our swing dance at Wingfield Park. If you have a Reno Swings! T-Shirt, wear it!
3. Lindy Hop Series starts Wednesday Aug. 7th at 7 PM”Lindy Hop – The Swing Out” – 4 Week Series Class – Come learn Lindy Hop with us! Lindy hop is the grand-daddy of swing dances- smooth, improvisational, creative. We will be focusing on the swing out and other 8-count patterns that form the base of Lindy Hop. This is a 4 week series – DISCOUNTED $35 passes are available online HERE.
Pre-requisite: At least 6-8 weeks of Jitterbug class (or equivalent experience). No previous Lindy Hop experience required.
This is a 4-week series that starts August 7th – Come a few minutes early to get signed up, or use the link above to reserve your spot online (with a discount). AND OF COURSE… we also are continuing the weekly drop-in Jitterbug class, plus social swing dancing afterwards (from 8ish PM to 9:30 PM), and social blues dancing from 9:30 on.
4. Little City Blues – Little City Blues – Thursday, August 15th
Join us at Plaza Maya (1644 S Wells in Reno) on Thursday, June 20th. Lesson starts at 7 PM with dancing following from 8-10 PM. This dance has no cover charge, but donations will be accepted… and we would love for you to support our venue by purchasing some food or drink. IN FACT, They are extending Happy Hour specials to us throughout the event (including $1 Tacos!).
Here is the event LINK if you want to RSVP or help spread the word!
5. GET FUN RENOSWINGS! T-SHIRTS If you want a Reno Swings T-Shirt or hoodie, you can order in your preferred size and color HERE. They are also available in long sleeve and hoodie options.
Thanks so much! We’ll see you on the dance floor!
Clay and Cullen 707-843-0895 cell
1. Swing Dancing @ Plaza Maya on 1st Tuesdays – 1642 S Wells in Reno at 7 PM
We’d love to see you at our new monthly dance venue… We’ll be dancing at Plaza Maya tonight. Lesson at 7 PM, dancing from 8-10 PM. All ages, no cover charge. Just bring a few bucks to support Plaza Maya, who is extending happy hour specials to us for the event (which includes $1 street tacos, 2-for-1 margaritas and bottled beer, and more). Their full restaurant menu is also available.
Plaza Maya is at 1642 S. Wells Ave. in Reno (right on the first roundabout). Here is a MAP. There is very limited on-site parking, but lots of street parking in the area.
2. Charleston Classes start Wednesday, March 6th at 7 PM.
“Charleston” – 4 Week Series Class – Come dance Charleston with us! Charleston was the pre-cursor to swing dancing, but was also integrated into swing dancing. This is a 4 week series DISCOUNTED $35 passes are available online HERE.
Pre-requisite: At least 6-8 weeks of Jitterbug class (or equivalent experience). No previous Lindy Hop or Charleston experience required.
It’s a 4-week series that starts March 6th. Come a few minutes early to get signed up, or use the link above to reserve your spot online (with a discount).AND OF COURSE… we also are continuing the weekly Jitterbug class, plus social swing dancing afterwards (from 8ish PM to 9:30 PM), and social blues dancing from 9:30 on.
3. Little City Blues – Thursday, March 21st @ Plaza Maya starting at 7 PM
Blues dancing is BACK! Little City Blues- Blues dancing and lesson
Join us at Plaza Maya (1640 S Wells in Reno) on Thursday, March 21st. Lesson starts at 7 PM with dancing following from 8-10 PM. This dance has no cover charge, but donations will be accepted… and we would love for you to support our venue by purchasing some food or drink. IN FACT, They are extending Happy Hour specials to us throughout the event (including $1 Tacos!).
Here is the event LINK if you want to RSVP or help spread the word!
And check out the specials!!
4. GET FUN RENOSWINGS! T-SHIRTS If you want a Reno Swings T-Shirt or hoodie, you can order in your preferred size and color HERE. They are also available in long sleeve and hoodie options.
Thanks so much! We’ll see you on the dance floor!
Clay and Cullen 707-843-0895 cell
We are kicking off the new year with a new format for our Wednesday night swing dance.
We will still be offering our drop-in Jitterbug class at 7 PM, followed by social dancing afterwards (around 8 PM). This class will still be open to brand new dancers… no pre-requisites and no partner needed. Cost is $10 per class (includes social dancing) and $7 for students.
We will be offering a progressive (month-long) Lindy Hop class ALSO AT 7 PM (we will be using both rooms). Lindy Hop is a bit more intricate than Jitterbug, so we are offering it as a 4-week series starting the first week of each month. Additionally, this class has a pre-requisite that you have taken 2 months (8 weeks) of Jitterbug classes… this will help the class move faster, as we will be building on the techniques that we teach in Jitterbug. This class costs $40 for the series (4 weeks), $25 for students. We allow drop ins the first week of the month ONLY with this class. Social dancing is also included.
What is Lindy Hop, you ask? Here is a short video explanation: What is Lindy Hop?
We will be opening up the hall for a guided practice for experienced dancers between 6 and 7 PM. PREREQUISITE: this practice is designed for dancers who have taken at least 2 months of Lindy Hop classes – it will provide opportunities to fine tune and continue progressing beyond Lindy Hop basics. There is no charge for this practice session IF you are attending one of the 7 PM classes. As a stand alone, the cost is $5 per practice.
Reno Swings! is held at the American Legion Hall at 877 Ralston St. in Reno. Map here
We accept cash, check or credit card at the door. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and shoes, and we don’t recommend big heels.
If you have any questions about the new format, please feel free to call, text Clay at 707-843-0895 or email
We hope to see all of you every Wednesday – our night is growing, and you are a huge part of that! Please tell your friends, and take a moment to RSVP to and share our FACEBOOK event!