Lots going on this month! Reno Lindy Hop is growing like crazy, and blues dancing is back. We hope to see you out dancing with us…
1. Wednesday Swing Dancing Class Schedule – 7 PM
2. New Loyalty Program – EARN FREE NIGHTS OF DANCING
3. Reno Barefoot Blues – Thursdays at 8:30 PM @ Midtown Community Yoga
4. Shows, plus Workshop Special Deal
Here is our schedule for March, starting TOMORROW:
7 PM Jitterbug Class – Open to everyone… no partner or experience necessary. We’ll breeze through the basics and get you up and running quickly… then we’ll take you through 3-5 different moves each week. This class is drop-in. $10/General and $7/Students each week (includes social dancing which follows). NEW – you can buy a discounted 4 week pass online HERE.
7 PM Lindy Hop Class – THIS WEDNESDAY is the first week of a 4-week progressive Lindy Hop class (building from week to week). This month we’ll be focusing on swing outs. PREREQUISITE: We ask that you have a couple months (at least 6-8 weeks) of jitterbug under your belt before tackling Lindy Hop. We also ask that you commit to the month so that we can have continuity within the class. $40 for the month, $25 for students. You can sign up online HERE before class starts tomorrow for a $5 discount off the month). Includes social dancing afterwards.
What is Lindy Hop, you ask? Here is a short video explanation: What is Lindy Hop?
8 PM Social Dancing – we’ll spin the tunes for dancing and practicing what you learned in class. If you can, stay and play with us!
6 PM – We will open the hall up a little early for intermediate guided practice. It is designed for experienced dancers to come work on your dancing. We will focus on different topics, and encourage you to bring questions or things you want to work on. There is no cost for this practice time if you are taking either the Jitterbug or Lindy Hop class.
Reno Swings! is held at the American Legion Hall at 877 Ralston St. in Reno. Map here
We accept cash, check, bitcoin (or ETH or LTC) and credit cards at the door. We recommend wearing comfortable clothes and shoes, and we don’t recommend big heels. You are free to bring a water bottle, or we have water for sale for $1.
We are excited to announce our new Reno Swings! loyalty program. As a thank you to those who attend on a regular basis, this program will reward you with free nights of dancing! Here is how it works – pretty simple:
A. When you come dancing, we’ll ask you if you want to be in the loyalty program.
B. All you need to do is enter your cell phone number each dance night when you check in, which will automatically earn you a star.
C. Collect 5 Stars and you get in a free night of dancing! No punch cards, keeping track… we track it all and will let you know when you’ve got a free night to use.
D. BONUS FEATURE – this loyalty program works for BOTH RenoSwings! on Wednesday nights AND Reno Barefoot Blues on Thursday nights. Redeem your free night of dancing at either venue, and receive a star for attending either dance.
We blues dance every Thursday at Midtown Community Yoga (600 S Virginia St. in Reno… entry on the side street Moran). Drop-in lesson at 8:30, dancing from about 9:15 to 11 PM. $5 for the whole night… and the floors are super nice, so we dance without shoes (barefoot or in your fancy socks). Would love to see you… super chill environment, and fun dancing.
There are several shows coming up with danceable bands. Thought we would share some of that info, in case you want to come dance:
– MARCH 8th (Thursday) – Squirrel Nut Zippers @ The Saint in Reno – this show is sold out, but they said they would have a few tickets available at the door when they open at 7 PM. I think they were about $34 presale including fees. This is a 21+ Venue – details: LINK
– MARCH 16th (Friday)- The Ponderosa Playboys @The Red Dog – this little trio played at The Loving Cup a couple months ago, and it was delicious! They are the opening band on March 16th at the Red Dog Saloon in Virginia City, which does have a little dance floor space. All ages venue… still working on start time and cover charge (if any). Keep an eye on our Facebook page.
– MAY 12th (Saturday) Beats Antique @ Cargo in Reno – These guys are amazing for blues/fusion dancing. Tickets aren’t cheap, but should be a killer show. Info: LINK
Sacramento Lindy Hop Workshop Special Deal
On March 24th, a great pair of teachers from Arizona, Dabney and Karen Hopkins are coming up from Arizona to teach a Lindy Hop Workshop. One of our swing dancers, Alison, has worked out a special deal with the organizers for a reduced price of $40 (normally $50) per person for Reno-area dancers, as well as help finding a place to crash if needed. For the special deal, you’ll need to message Alison or the Wolf Pack Swing Dance Club as they are still working out final details. There may be carpools going over the night before (Friday) to dance at Midtown Stomp.
We have a dream to see vintage partner dancing absolutely take over Reno and Northern Nevada. We really feel like Reno Lindy Hop and Reno blues dancing could be something really special. It’s growing, but we’d like to supercharge that growth. So we have an idea – will you help us?
For the next 4 weeks, we want to blitz Facebook and other social channels with our events. If you’ve got a Facebook account, we’re asking you to RSVP to our events… as well as like, comment and particularly share them. If our dances show up over and over, we believe that it will build positive momentum and grow our numbers quickly.
Facebook, like it or not, is like high school. The popular kids get all the attention, so the more you interact with us, the more people will see out stuff!
So if you can, please take a moment to interact and share our events. Let’s see if we can make them show up everywhere and get a bunch of new people to join us.
Swing Dance Event LINK HERE
Blues Dance Event LINK HERE
Thanks so much! We’ll see you on the dance floor!
The RenoSwings! Crew